* ____beepo,

 i am out with the lanterns looking for myself -emily dickinson 

  • hello! thanks for clicking my commisions carrd. my name is beepo, i'm a polish artist. a boring little person who likes to draw sometimes. been doing that ever since i could hold a pencil.

 #01  :   i will draw animals (both feral and anthro) and creature-like designs. i can draw minor gore. i will not draw humans and humanoid characters. i won't draw heavy gore and nsfw content. feel free to ask questions, i won't be blocking folks for asking if i can or can't draw a certain thing they had in mind.

 #02  : i expect 50% of the payment after you've been sent the sketch and approved it - i will not continue to work on your commision untill i receive payment. i will ask for the remaining 50% of the price after i finish. you can back out of a commision as long as i haven't finished it yet. no refundspossible after i'm done with your piece.


 #03  :    once you buy an adopt from me it is yours to use however you please. credit me as the original designer. no major redesigns - minor changes like scars/outfit changes/hairswaps are perfectly fine! if you want to resell the design you bought from me, just let me know - i will still expect credit for the design.

 #04  :   please don't be afraid to reach out to me if you have any questions! i don't bite. if you want a piece that is not listed in my prices feel free to contact me on discord and ask (see: abt me)

 NAME  :   tuesday
 NICKNAME  :   beepo
 AGE  :   21
 PRONOUNS  :   they/them/it/its
 NATIONALITY  :   polish
 CONTACT  :   cowboybeepo on dc

MAYBE ONE DAY THERE WILL BE SOMETHING WRITTEN HERE. but for now only some blank space and lorem ipsums for you <3

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT. vestibulum eget ligula ac leo interdum placerat. quisque tempor turpis at nunc sollicitudin, sed interdum neque hendrerit. phasellus cursus imperdiet posuere. ut pretium ut nibh eu volutpat. in ac libero ut nunc suscipit faucibus. fusce rhoncus mauris ac viverra tincidunt. pellentesque cursus rutrum libero ac suscipit.